
Thanks for visiting and Happy Hunting to all of you!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Representing Ameristep in Maine July 31, 2010

Had a fantastic turkey season this spring!! Had 13 mature gobblers respond to the calls and all came into gun range from 38 yards all the way down to 8 yards! Besides filling my own two tags, I called birds in for several other hunters this year, two that were new to the sport.

I will be at Cabela's Store in Maine on July 31st, 2010, demonstrating Ameristep blinds and products so if you live in the northeast, stop by and say hello!

Others that will be on hand include Matt Morrett of Hunters Specialties and Laura Francise, the Martin Archery Girl!!

Blaine Cardilli/ Ameristep Prostaff