
Thanks for visiting and Happy Hunting to all of you!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

He's Alive!!!

Hey Everyone wanted to share a photo of a buck I named crooked brow I got a picture of him in September in velvet and named him because of his crooked brow tine on his left side. I never seen him throughout the season and was afraid he could have died in hunting season but heard of no one killing anything where we hunt but me or he could have died in the hugh blizzard we got in Febuary. But I got some good news today when I got a trail cam pic of him and he still has both sides on his head which is strange cause of it being late March but I was very glad I know it is him cause on his left side his main beam comes up on his G4 plus of his width and not seeing his left brow tine sticking up making it Crooked Brow!! Im so happy he should be a great deer next year! Tell me what you think!

-Alec Nebel/Youth Pro Staff