
Thanks for visiting and Happy Hunting to all of you!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Georgia Turkey Hunt-Taggin Out Hunting

Hey all,

I hope this email finds you all fine and well. If you are turkey hunting or about to be turkey hunting we wish you all the best of luck.

This past weekend I was able to join my good long time high school buddy for a turkey hunt on his lease in S. Georgia. We had not hunted together since high school so that in itself was a real treat. Friday evening Dennis showed me the lay of the land and we quickly determined where we needed to be set up at. We set up the Ameristep Dominator blind in the middle of the field and went back for some good ol’ shut eye.

The morning found us sitting in that blind ready to go. I was talking to Dennis about how usually the birds do not fly from the roost until about 30 minutes after day break. We were in the blind moving about and eating pop tarts when Dennis moves to tell me there was a bird out in the field (10 minutes after day break). I looked up and without question we were busted with pop tarts in our hands. That bird landed at 70 yards and walked right on out of there. A little later we had another tom come out and even though he gobbled and strutted, he wouldn’t budge for that sexy little hen in the field. We decided to make a move to a different section of the field. After a short lunch. We re-set the decoy and got settled in. A short while later Dennis spotted a tom directly to the right of him. I quickly noticed that there were 2 toms and we had to move quickly to get in position. The toms started to walk away and at about 50 yards Dennis tried to harvest his first ever turkey. Two shots later the toms went a new direction. After a small amount of buddy to buddy razing some hens came into the field. Then some new birds caught our attention. 5 jakes were making their way towards the roost but I was able to call them from that. 20 minutes later 5 jakes made their destination to that cute little hen in the field. Dennis with a revenge attitude got in position and made shot 1. 2 birds fall and he quickly swung to the next bird and took it as well. Dennis was truly “Taggin Out!” He was a good bit of spoiled on his first turkey hunt. We know that it doesn’t go like that typically. 2 birds 4 1/4 inch and 1 bird double beards 3 inch and 3 1/4 inch. Birds between 15-17 pounds.

So then it was time to put the gun in a new set of hands. We went back to the same place and set up the following morning. After a few hours of nothing, the gut told me to pack it up and relocate. So we explored some new ground. We were walking along when I yanked Dennis down by the back of his collar. There was a tom about 70 yards ahead of us. We back up 20 yards, popped up the blind, and set the decoy. 10 minutes later guess who showed up? Yup. Tom did. I greeted Mr. Tom with a wad that bounce off his neck at about 12 yards. The footage is great. 9 1/2 inch beard with 1 1/8 inch hooks, 19-22 pounds.

All in all it was an excellent hunt and I look forward to going back again one day. I would like to thank the other lease members for letting me on their lease, Mr. Scott and Mr. Andrew for letting Dennis and I stay in their travel trailer, and the Kent Family for being wonderful hosts.

The dvd samples have been released for our first dvd, “Fillin Tags and Reachin Limits.” Soon we will be placing our order once the quality inspection is completed.

Have safe and enjoyable Turkey Season and/or Easter,

Team Eaton