
Thanks for visiting and Happy Hunting to all of you!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Kansas Turkey

Finally made it happen in Kansas! The birds were grouped up and just wouldn't work for us the first couple of days. They wanted nothing to do with decoys and our calling didn't seem to phase them either. Saturday afternoon they decided to cooperate and began breaking away from their groups. Hunting out of the Ameristep blinds worked great and helped make the young ones more comfortable and concealed their movement. We had a lot of fun hunting with all of the kids and the mid-day wiffle ball games! Rodney and I would also like to congratulate Austin Waldroup from Georgia on his first turkey. After a few hard days of hunting, his patience paid off and he connected with a nice jake.

Keep checking back, we're going after more in the weeks to come!

Clint Womeldorff - Ameristep Pro Staff

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Austin on his first bird, Clint! We need kids to feel the rush and an Ameristep Blind sure helps! I'd like to hit Kansas someday my self for my first Rio

    Blaine Cardilli/ Ameristep Prostaff
